
React basics

  • onClick instead of onclick.
  • className instead of class.
  • Rendering root element
    	const container = document.getElementById('root');
    	const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
  • With JSX you can write expressions inside curly braces { }.
  • The HTML code must be wrapped in ONE top level element.
  • A fragment looks like an empty HTML tag: <></>.
  • onClick={shoot} instead of onClick="shoot()".
  • onSubmit
  • To pass an argument to an event handler, use an arrow function.
    	<button onClick={() => shoot("Goal!")}>Take the shot!</button>
    	<button onClick={(event) => shoot("Goal!", event)}>Take the shot!</button>
  • Alternative of v-if
    	cars.length > 0 &&
    	You have {cars.length} cars in your garage.
  • If cars.length < 0 is equates to true, the expression after && will render.
  • useEffect: Used to prevent execution of a block of code on every re-render.
      useEffect(() => {
      	//Runs on the first render
    	//And any time any dependency value changes
      }, [prop, state]);
  • useContext: It is used to manage state. Like Vuex. createContext, context.provider, useContext
  • useRef: Creates state directly which does not re-renders on update. Used to handle all DOM manipulation.
  • useReducer: const [ state, dispatch ] = useReducer( reducer, initialValue );
  • call dispatch with a parameter
  • this parameter will be the first argument of reducer function
  • Returned value of reducer is the value of state.
  • useCallback: Used to stop recreating a function on re-render.
  • useMemo: Used to stop executing a function on re-render.


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