Photoshop designing

----------Remove background---------

select part >> ctrl+j

select>subject >> select>select and mask>Decontaminate Color>Refine hair>Ok

select>subject >> Add mask icon


Layer>layer style>drop shadow


Image>Image rotation>90 cw



--------------Fill selection---------

Select part>>Edit>fill>chose color foreground or background>ok

--------------Remove text---------

Select part>>Edit>fill>chose content aware>ok

--------------Change foreground with another part---------

Select patch tool>Select object by drawing>Move selection

--------------Remove spot from face---------

Duplicate layer>Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Unlock original layer>move to top>layer mask(colors must be black and white and mask will be selected)>Select brush (opacity-30, flow-30)>Heal spots.

--------------Solve-Smart object is not directly editable---------

Right click on the layer>Rasterize Layer

ctrl+jCopy layer
ctrl+eMerge all layers

--------------Unicode Support---------

From menubar Window > paragraph

A new window will be opened

From right top collapsed menu cion Collapsed > East Asian Features

Again Collapsed > Word-Ready Layout

--------------Blend two images---------------------

To replace the face

Put two images together>move the top layer to position > ctrl+select top to select pixel >> select>modify>contract>add amount>>select both layers>>Edit>Auto Blend Layers>Stack images>Ok

--------------Change t-shirt---------------------

To change T-shirt

main photo>>quick selection tool>select t-shirt>ctrl+j>>put conver photo>adjust the cover photo over selected part>select top layer>"Add vector mask">slect overlay (from above)

--------------Add images to a sloped wall---------------------

To add image to sloped wall

main photo>> overlay photo>select part>copy>>main photo>new layer>>Filter>Vanishing Point>Put points>paste>ctrl+T>change shapre and pos>enter>Layer to multiply

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